Want to increase your exposure on the web?
Certainly one of the best ways is to have more entry pages, or specifically, URL's relating to the search terms you want people to find you under. Or just more sites selling the same thing you are trying to get people to find!
For example, if you sell widgets, you are much more likely to get top search engine rankings (translating into hits and sales!) with a URL of www.widgets.com, rather than www.joessupply.com.
Furthermore, with some of the outrageous prices you've seen advertised for some domain names, leasing is a great alternative. You are not shelling out thousands of dollars up front to 'try out' a name. AND, if your business doesn't go the way you want, you have not spent a fortune for something you are no longer in need of. You can lease a name to get the search exposure for an amazingly low price (prices vary by domain). We will also host the site for you if desired, for just a small amount more (starting at $5 / month! - see sensiblewebhosting.com)! Go the sensible way, LEASE a name!
Prices vary. For pricing on any of these available names, email mikew@sellme.com
URL's we have available for purchase or lease right now:
bassguide.us ($175- whether you do local guide work or want a national directory)
cashforyourhome.us (purchase=$350 how many signs do you see in the U.S. offering cash for your home!)
cheapest-drugs.com ($1250 keywords in your domain name are KEY!)
cheapest-viagra.us ($350 keywords in your domain name are KEY!)
cheapinkjet.com ($5K sure way to advertise your ink-jet sales efforts!)
cheappetsupplies.com ($5K here's a no-brainer to make money!)
cheappondsupplies.com ($2K capitalize on this huge growing market!)
citydatingservice.com ($2K - dating .com, with no dashes)
condolencegifts.com ($1500 if you sell condolence gifts, you can't go wrong - nice specific market)
datealternatives.com ($2K dating .com, with no dashes)
datingservicesbycity.com ($1K dating .com with no dashes)
dotdate.com ($10K short dating .com and no dashes, VERY ez to remember)
freshwater-fish.com ($1K lease=$15/month great .com for tropical fish sales)
funnyfunnyshit.com ($2K or lease=$30/month perfect jokes site)
gunvalues.com, gunvalues.us ($expensive - awesome guns site; large type in traffic - check the search terms on this!)
harley-chicks.com ($1500 or lease=$25/month good for adult, or harley personals, or others)
ibuyboatscash.com + ibuyboatsforcash.com($1000 ea if you buy boats, this is how to get found!)
ibuydiamondscash.com + ibuydiamondsforcash.com ($1000 ea - if you buy diamonds, this is how to get found!)
ibuyjewelrycash.com + ibuyjewelryforcash.com ($1000 ea. if you buy jewelry, this is how to get found!)
isellmortgages.com ($2K perfect for mortgage originator or sales)
lottery-hq.com ($2500 great lotto site)
lottoguide.us ($1000 what better guide to lotteries in the U.S.)
mailspare.com ($1.5K)
makin-money.com ($2500 great and easily remembered opportunity site)
my-hd.com ($3000 or lease=$50/mo - perfect for displaying your Harley, or parts / supplies, or email address)
my-searay.com ($3000 or lease=$50/mo perfect for displaying your SeaRay, or parts / supplies, or email address)
nakedlike.us ($500 - cool name for adult or nudist type site)
nameserviceone.com ($6K)
notaryfinder.us ($1000 great notary finder site; charge for listings)
notarynearby.com ($3000 - outstanding notary site, for national service)
nudeboaters.com ($4K)
operation-infinitejustice.org (1K easy to get hits relating to our war on terror)
osphronemus.com ($225 - if you know what these are, here is the perfect domain!)
paidautosurf.com ($2K)
pcspecialist.biz ($5K)
petflags.com ($5K - easy niche market, nice short 2 word .com)
playlinda.com ($5K)
sellme.com ($expensive! - everything is for sale for a price!)
sensiblewebhosting.com ($expensive! - everything is for sale for a price!)
sparemail.com ($2.5K)
spicytacos.com ($1.5K)
stainlessprop.com ($2500 - sell them? you NEED this!)
treasuredpictures.com ($3000 good site for photographer, picture displays, etc.)
webuyboatscash.com ($1250 if you buy boats, this is how to get found!)
webuyboatsforcash.com ($1250 if you buy boats, this is how to get found!)
webuydiamondscash.com + webuydiamondsforcash.com ($1250 ea If you buy diamonds, this is how to get found!)
webuyjewelrycash.com + webuyjewelryforcash.com ($1250 ea If you buy jewelry, this is how to get found!)
wedoresumes.com $1250 easy to remember, has resume in domain name, no dash, .com
wesellinkcartridges.com + wesellinkcartridges.net ($3000 lease=$50/mo - how to get hits for your ink cartridge efforts)
weselltrucks.net ($1500 well, do you? Do you want hits? National or local audience)
westernusart.com ($1750 if you sell W. US ART, you need this - nice specific market)
wholesalefeederfish.com ($950 want your feeder business to be found? Want type in's too?)
Orlando Area Domain's available:
alarmsflorida.com ($2K if you sell or install alarms this is a necessity)
centralfloridabass.com ($750 great search term rich .com for a guide)
meetings-orlando.com ($1K - hits now at perfect target in the Orlando locale)
notaryorlando.com ($1500 perfect orlando area notary site - easy search rankings)
orlandohappyhours.com ($1250 - great local guide site, easy hits)
orlando-healthclub.com ($600 - perfect way for locals to find you - gets hits now)
orlandopoolsupplies.com ($1250 - easy hits for something certainly searched for in Orlando)
orlandotvrepair.com ($1250 - easy hits for local repair shop)
rentalhouseorlando.com ($3K - check how many people search for this for their visit!)
weddings-orlando.com ($1250 currently generating hits for local wedding market)
If you wish to make an offer on any of these available names, email mikew@sellme.com